Bercut VIP

by Vladimir Ladan



BercutVIP program is designed to call the RRT (rapid response team) VIP clients of the company «Bercut- Grup» SRL, Moldova.Calling takes place in the presence of the Internet connection or when there are means for sending SMS messages and voice calls.The application determines the location coordinates and transmits them to our server, along with additional information about the alarming situation and then communicates with the part of the duty.For registration of the relevant treaty in the response and obtain the activation code, please contact the company directly at:Str. Costiujeni 8/3, mun. Chisinau, Republic of Moldovatel. + 373-22-57-24-61, + 373-22-52-11-62, + 373-22-50-50-76.fax: + 373-22-56-81-66